‘Aftermath’ exhibition to end Oct 23rd 2016

Jill’s major new solo exhibition, ‘Aftermath’, at Geevor Tin Mine World Heritage Museum, finishes this Sunday, 23rd Oct. The exhibition, running since February 13th, has been visited by hundreds of people, and Jill has undertaken a number of activities to guage audience response and feedback on placing challenging contemporary art in an industrial heritage museum.

In July and October, Jill has worked at Geevor with fellow researcher and academic, Dr Gaynor Bagnall,  from the University of Salford, to undertake interviews and questionnaires with visitors, culminating in participatory art workshops with adult groups, exploring Jill’s ideas and themes and creating their own artworks in response. Jill and Gaynor are currently analysing the material collected with a view to writing up a journal article and undertaking further research.

Visitors were keen to engage with the artwork, and to acknowledge the role such work might have in offering an alternative and different perspective to visiting an industrial museum and industrial heritage more generally.

For example, qualitative comments included ‘was surprised how interesting it was’, ‘it is very unique, enlightening pieces’, ‘lovely to see different perspectives through art’, ‘not expected different,’ adds a different dimension to the subject, ‘it gives another angle to it’, and ‘art can give additional insight into industrial heritage by bringing a visual element’.szd-jpeg

Quote from visitor to ‘Aftermath’ exhibition.

..”Your work really spoke to me. I have family connections with Geevor and Levant (I am a descendent of Richard White the Captain of Levant) but the often twee and realist representations of Levant and Geevor didn’t really connect with me.
Your representations are really powerful and thought provoking.
I loved them.”